We are often shy to be ourselves or express who we actually are or what we like. Thinking it might not fall in place with the current trend, scenario or with what people perceive us to be. This can be in the way we dress, the food we eat, the places we like to visit or in our daily habits.
Many of us would like to follow the latest trends of fashion while dressing or emulate a particular look of our favorite Hollywood or Bollywood Star. Without thinking whether the particular look or trend will suit us or not. We end up losing our own identity in this futile pursuit.
In love with this white outfit by Mandira Wirkhq at my favorite restaurant Sirocco Bangkok.
What looks good on others might not look good on us as each individual is different and cannot carry all the looks. Nowadays most of the film stars hire the best of the stylists to dress them up for an occasion or event too. In order to ensure that they stand out in the crowd and look different from their fellow colleagues.
Wearing one of my favorite ensemble from my designer, AbuJaani Sandeep Khosla.
One must be aware of their flaws and strengths and choose the attire according to their body type. It is good to follow fashion and trends but make sure that it does not overshadow your own individual personality. Another trend that I have noticed is the fact that people do not want to repeat their dress, which they have worn once for an occasion. I personally will never feel shy to repeat my attire again, will style it with different accessories and wear proudly again.
Enjoying the beautiful view of the ChaoPhraya river at Distil Bangkok.
I am a very picky eater. I have very strong likes and dislikes where food is concerned and never shy away from expressing myself in my choices. I cannot eat any food, which has any clarified butter, cheese, cream or dairy in it. I refrain from caffeine, alcohol and seafood.
Being married to a hotelier, the best of wines and champagne is always a part of the meal. People used to find this habit of mine very absurd. But I stood proudly by my conviction and healthy habits and saw gradually the same people appreciating me for these habits.
Home Cooked Indian Food Crispy Vegetable Rice with Steamed Spinach.
As a true Indian, I love my simple home cooked Indian food. And prefer it to all the fancy, elaborate different cuisines of the world. For me the food has to be appealing to my eyes, should have healthy ingredients and has to be delicious at the same time.
My advice to all of you is to follow your heart where food is concerned. Do not be shy and be vocal about your food choices. At the end of the day, it is you who has to happy and not the other people.
Smoking Shisha is another popular trend with the youngsters today. But it takes a toll on your health eventually. Smoking Shisha once is equivalent to smoking thirty cigarettes. So what may appear trendy and stylish may not be necessarily good for one’s health. I am sure there can be many alternative healthy stylish habits to follow compared to this. So smoking be it cigarettes, cigars or shisha are all injurious to health and should not be followed as a trend.
Say no to Shisha and Smoking.
One must invest in small things, which give us pleasure and happiness. Like watching our favorite soap or series on television, listening to music of our choice, spending quality time with our friends and family, or going out to eat our favorite street food.
I love watching the sunset at Distil Bangkok, such a rejuvenating and a peaceful experience.
Conclusion: Do not be a part of the rat race or a slave to the current trends. Love yourself and do not shy away from expressing your choices. As we would all love to be recognized for who we are. Live the way you want, on your own terms and not to please others.
What is life ? “A collection of happy moments” as quoted by Denis Waitley.